What Tomorrow Brings....

After 2019 was such a dynamic year with lots of events and projects that kept me busy and happy…2020 installed itself fast and imperceptibly, leaving me… living US with such limited options and less hope than ever before.

So many projects that came my way got cancelled, other ones are offering less than what would help me get over this situation. On top of that, schools are being closed and parents are getting loaded with more responsibilities they can take over their shoulders with no help from the authorities. I don’t think they realize yet what they’ve done, I hope it won't be too late when they do.

All in all, I guess we have to adapt to the new conditions that this new situation is forcing us into. I guess we have to improvise but for now, I’m really confused and can’t come up with a magic wand and summon a good solution…

What I can do though, is to draw! Draw what I feel, draw what I think, make fun (or as a Romanian saying suggests: “fa haz de necaz”=making fun of trouble). So I started this project where I illustrate in the form of comic strips, what COVID-19 Pandemic feels like when you are a parent in Romania. I post this strips on all my social media account and also on my KO-FI account, where you can support me by donateing to help me pass thru this awkward, strange, strange times.

Thank you for taking time to read all this and tank you for supporting me by liking, sharing or donating to my content. Take care and keep safe wherever you are!

Find my pandemic comic strips on Instagram, here.
Donate on KO-FI to help my creative process.


This is throw back… Saturday? Yeah, I think so.
In 2014 I’ve had the big oportunity to attend Comic Con NY, one of the biggest of his sort, with the intention to lounch my first graphic novel “Mishka and the Sea Devil”. And that’s what we did, along with Action Lab Ent and Romanian Cultural Institute that made my experience even more unforgettable.

So, here are some sweet memories:

Mishka and the Sea Devil

My first publication is "Mishka and the Sea Devil" a graphic novel full of adventures that was published by Action Lab Ent. and released at Comic Con NY, at 15th of October, 2014.  My first project is an unique experiment that explores 11 different graphic styles. This idea came up at one point in the development of the book and kept me motivated and fresh during almost 6 years of exploration and hard work in which Mishka (the main character of the book) continued evolving and growing becoming stronger and ready to fight the Sea Devil!

If you want to find out more please check out these articles: Graphic PolicyCBR.com

You can get the book from Book Depository (free delivery worldwide), Amazon or download a digital copy from Comixology.